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Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection subjects of a meeting at BSC with NDUS

As part of the North Dakota University System’s “Envision 2030”  process, the System held what it called an “opening discussion” on Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection.

That meeting was held at Bismarck State College.

"The state Board of Higher Education has this medium-to-long-term exercize, thinking about the key issues for education," Hagerott said. "There are some immediate things we're working on, but longer-term are the issues of the emerging digital world."

Hagerott said one emerging issue is “artificial intelligence” – and how it will impact college students. He said that’s a big issue in higher education – so much so that MIT has just launched a $1 billion initiative on A I education. Hagerott said MIT is investing in new professorships and new research.

"That's just to raise awareness that we have a challenge coming in North Dakota," Hagerott said. "We're hoping to do a joint study with the Legislature, the Governor and the business community."

Another issue has to do with data privacy – which Hagerott said is a growing concern.

"Do we want the same rules for our students as they have in China for their students?" Hagerott said. "China is observing everything and digitizing everything."

But Hagerott said North Dakota is a different place.

"We have a tradition of privacy and Judeo-Christian values," Hagerott said. "We are working for the people of North Dakota, not some global company."

Hagerott said these discussions will continue.

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