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Basin Electric welcomes Supreme Court EPA ruling

Officials with Basin Electric Power Cooperative say they’re happy with the US Supreme Court’s ruling that the federal EPA didn’t properly take into account the costs for utilities to comply with power plant emissions limits.

Basin’s Steve Tomac says while Basin already implemented compliance on the EPA’s mercury emissions rule, this ruling sets a precedent.

"As we look at future rules, not only the clean power plan, but the WOTUS (Waters of the United States) rules coming down the pike, the Supreme Court says 'No, you need to to look at these costs,'" said Tomac. "That's really the positive out of this particular ruling."

John Jacobs has been with Basin as a power plant operator – and is now chief of operations. He says Basin -- and industry as a whole – has worked to reduce emissions – and will continue to do so on a common sense basis.

"To me, coal's always been clean," said Jacobs. "It's been a great fuel. You know what the price of it is going to be. And if there's ever been an issue, industry has stepped up to the plate and resolved those issues. To me, it will continue to be the fuel of the future."

Basin spent $21 million on mercury control equipment.

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