AARP is providing workshops to people 50 and older – to help them with technology use.
AARP calls its training “TEK” – for Technology, Education and Knowledge.
"We find there are a lot of people aged 50 and up who are not technology-savvy," said AARP Community Program Manager Denise Madeja, one of the trainers in the "TEK" seminar. "They're intimidated to learn."
Madeja said the training being offered this week in Bismarck, Fargo and Moorhead is designed to teach people 50 and older how to use their smartphones and tablets.
"We want them to feel comfortable using technology," Madeja said. "Maps, GPS, being able to plug an address in and get to where they're going. We also want them to be more comfortable sending e-mail."
Madeja said people attending the workshops can also find out how to stay safe in the online world.
"We teach them about fraud," Madeja said. "They can be secure."