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ND Student Association writing a 'Student Data Privacy and Security Bill of Rights'

The North Dakota Student Association has been working on a “Student Data Privacy and Security Bill of Rights.”

Student Association president Jared Melville of Fargo – who just graduated from NDSU – said this is in response to the erosion of privacy rights since the wake of the digital transformation of society. Melville said just about every day there are reports of data being used by companies like Google and Facebook without permission.

"This is a step for students to insure the University System is doing the best it can with appropriately using, handling and protecting the data it collects on students," Melville said.

Melville said he’s been impressed with the progress the North Dakota University System has been doing in the area of protecting student data.

"Recently, the NDUS Office of Institutional Research approved a code of ethical responsibility for how it uses student data, when it comes to data analytics and artificial intelligence," Melville said. "In many ways, the NDUS is ahead of the curve, compared to its peers across the United States."

Melville said he believes North Dakota is the first state to draft such a document for student data privacy. He said it’s a work in progress.

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