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Law enforcement reminding motorists to wear seat belts; Click It or Ticket

North Dakota law enforcement agencies are continuing their Click It or Ticket campaign throughout the state as part of the Vision Zero initiative, which aims to reduce the amount of traffic related fatalities to zero.

Lauren Bjork is Safety Public Information Program Manager at the North Dakota Department of Transportation. So far in 2020, Bjork says overall fatalities are down when compared to this time period last year - last year it was 44, and this year it is 36. Bjork also says alcohol related traffic fatalities decreased; eleven so far in 2020, with 19 last year at this time. Last year at this time there had been five pedestrian fatalities; so far this year there have been three. But Bjork says last year at this time there had been no ATV/recreational vehicle related fatalities - and that is not the case so far this year. There have been five fatalities this year.

Bjork says another concerning trend is that 70 percent of this year's traffic fatalities were individuals who were not wearing seat belts. She says that's one of the simplest things motorists can do to prevent a traffic fatality.

"So every time you get into the vehicle, the most important thing you can do is buckle up, but also drive distraction free, drive sober, and make sure your children are in a child passenger safety seat that is correct for their size."

Bjork also says motorcycle fatalities were slightly up this year with five deaths - which is one more than last year at this time.

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