Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) said reconstruction of the scenic loop in the Theodore Roosevelt Park should be completed in 2022.
A five-mile stretch of the road was damaged due to erosion and slumping land in 2019.
Hoeven said the National Park Service has committed $39 million to the project. He said preconstruction work – design and a geotechnical assessment – was completed last year, and construction is scheduled to start in 2022.
"The scenic loop in the South Unit is very important, in terms of the use of the park," Hoeven said. "We've got to get the road fixed."
Hoeven said he's working with the Department of the Interior, the National Park Service and with the federal Department of Transportation to get it done.
"We hope to have it done in 2022," Hoeven said.
Hoeven hosted the Deputy Secretary of the Interior, Tommy Beaudreau, in a visit to the park.