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Fargo lawmaker proposes "green corridor"

As part of a proposal to spend $400 million of federal COVID relief funds on infrastructure projects, Sen. Tim Mathern (D-Fargo) is pushing for a “green corridor” for North Dakota.

"A green corridor is making sure that we have transportation routes in North Dakota for people who use what we call 'green energy' — electricity, hydrogen, natural gas," Mathern said. "The goal is to have the infrastructure ready for the future."

Mathern said it would include constructing charging stations for electric vehicles, as well as stations for hydrogen fuel. He said it’s not just for passenger cars – it’s also for big semi trucks, which will use electricity or hydrogen fuels.

"If our state doesn't have these recharging units, or fueling units, trucking companies will go around North Dakota," Mathern said.

Mathern says under his proposal, state agencies, such as Commerce or DOT, would be making the decisions on where those fueling stations are built.

The proposal is being considered by the interim House and Senate Appropriations Committees, for possible introduction in the November special session.