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LDS Church Donates 40,000 Pounds of Food to Great Plains Food Bank

Pallet after pallet is unloaded from the semi at the Great Plains Food Bank
Pallet after pallet is unloaded from the semi at the Great Plains Food Bank

“When families don't have to worry about the meal on the table- they have what they need and the nourishment to thrive- it’s a beautiful day!”

This rainy Wednesday morning was very bright for Marcia Paulson, the Chief Development Officer for the Great Plains Food Bank, as she watched 40,000 pounds of donations come in through the loading dock at the warehouse.

The semi-load of pasta, protein, and other various items was donated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Fargo, North Dakota stake of the Church is comprised of 11 congregations that span from Jamestown to Bemidji, down into South Dakota and up to the Canadian border. Jerry Cook, the president of the Fargo stake, was also at the warehouse to help deliver the huge shipment; the kind of service he says he and his congregation live for.

“A person can’t feel the love of Jesus Christ in their life if they're struggling to meet their basic needs. That’s where I think we can come in as individuals and as organizations; we can help people meet their basic needs, and help then be in a place where they can feel the love of Jesus Christ, and the influence that he can have in their lives.”

On farms and processing plants across the country, the Church produced all these donations themselves. Months of time and effort were dedicated to getting the items on the truck and into the hands of hungry families.

They plan to do it all again: another 40,000 pound shipment of donations is scheduled for later this summer.

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