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2023 has been a 'good year for fishing' in ND

So far, 2023 has been a very good year for fishing in North Dakota, according to North Dakota Game and Fish.

"There have been some really neat opportunities for many anglers out there," said Game and Fish Director Jeb Williams.

Williams said the big lakes for fishing continue to be Sakakawea, Oahe and Devils Lake. But he said North Dakota’s prairie lakes have also taken off.

"We're managing a record number of stocked bodies of water — approximately 450," Williams said. "It's a tremendous opportunity for people, whether you're talking big water, or smaller prairie lakes."

Williams said many of the lakes have been stocked with walleye.

"There are other species, too," Williams said. "But we know that North Dakotans definitely appreciate and value their walleye fishing."

Williams said Game and Fish was concerned about winterkill on the lakes. But he said very few lakes had 100 percent winterkill.

"We had six months of legitimate winter," Williams said. "We had ice depth and lots of snow on top of the ice, which reduces the oxygen in those lakes. But getting through the winter in the condition that we did, is really positive."

Williams also said the demand for fishing licenses has remained strong.