The North Dakota Senate has voted to remove sales taxes from used clothing sold by a non-profit or thrift store.
The Senate Finance and Taxation Committee had given the measure a “do-not-pass” recommendation. But on the Senate floor, supporters argued these thrift stores provide a valuable service.
"I think this bill really does help lower income families," said Senate Minority Leader Kathy Hogan (D-Fargo). "Most thrift stores are used by low-income individuals. And I think this is a good way to say that we support both the non-profit charities, and that we support the families."
Sen. Janne Myrdal (R-Edinburg) also supported it. She told the Senate she has a “great” thrift store in her area.
"It's all-volunteer, retired ladies running it," Myrdal said. "They have given over, at one point, $1.4 million to local charity in the rural area. They give absolutely 100 percent of all the income they get. They get to sit down, have coffee, and decide what charity it goes to locally."
HB 1428 passed on a 31 to 14 vote. It will now go to the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the Senate will have another vote later.