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Hayley Burdett

  • 6/20/2013: On this date in 1927, residents of central North Dakota were recovering from severe summer weather. The previous night, Mandan and surrounding areas were subjected to harsh winds, rain, and hail that wreaked havoc on the land and its farmers. The Fargo Forum ran an article detailing this devastating storm.
  • 3/20/2013: Today, most movie goers in North Dakota still have a few venues to choose from, but what was it like in the early 1920s, when the silent film, or the “photo drama,” first came to the Prairie?
  • 11/13/2012: Modern and classic films hail the train station as a place of romance and as an important meeting ground. The railway was the primary method of transportation for goods and passengers across states in the early 20th century. Train stations saw many passengers each year.
  • 10/10/2012: One-room school houses are an important part of educational history in prairie towns, but what happens when the school itself is moved illegally?