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Devils Lake Courthouse and Valentine’s Day

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In August 1887, ground was broken in Devils Lake for a new courthouse and jail. The courthouse had caused some initial angst among some residents, although the Devils Lake Inter-Ocean calmly stated that some of this came from “the first mistake of the [county] board,” which was that it “tried to please everybody.”

Completion was planned for December, but it was soon extended to February 1, 1888. Of course construction plans change—especially when working in the winter!

That winter did have some harsh storms. In January of 1888, the newspaper in Devils Lake reported of a blizzard, noting “all trains were abandoned. Not even a snowplow stirred.” The new court house, only a block away, could not be seen for several hours during the storm. Still, the paper reported that “fair progress” was being made and some offices were ready. Flooring still had to be laid in some areas, but in case of necessity, the jail portion could already be used.

Some work could not be completed in winter, so near the end of February, the courthouse was handed over, incomplete, by the contractor, B. F. Shanley. Final touches would be completed in the spring, which included work on the tower, the front steps, painting the roof, and cleaning the brick and stonework. Completing this work was estimated to cost $770.

Regardless of the loose ends, the building was complete and operational enough on this date for contractor Shanley to arrange for a grand ball for Valentine’s Day!

A fine soiree was planned. Supper was served “at the Benham house on a scale never before attempted" in the city. A full string band furnished the music. Couples could attend for $2.50, and all were welcomed.

The night was a success…despite more bad weather that kept some from attending. “The courthouse was brilliantly illuminated throughout and presented a gorgeous appearance.” Everyone was impressed with the new building, and people literally danced the night away, going until 4am.

Dakota Datebook by Sarah Walker


Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, August 27, 1887, p1

Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, January 14, 1888, p1

Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, December 3, 1887, p1

Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, February 25, 1888, p4

Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, February 18, 1888, p1, 2, 4

Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, February 4, 1888, p1

Dakota Datebook is made in partnership with the State Historical Society of North Dakota, and funded by Humanities North Dakota, a nonprofit, independent state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the program do not necessarily reflect those of Humanities North Dakota or the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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