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Legislators want to end prohibition on direct payments from the state to individuals

Two Constitutional resolutions now before a House committee would remove a prohibition in the state Constitution for direct payments from the state to its residents.

Sponsors have different ideas of how the money could be used.

Rep. Marvin Nelson (D-Rolla) says he envisions something like what happens in the state of Alaska.

"The simple way would be to take the the earnings from the Legacy Fund and distribute that," said Nelson. "That would be almost exactly what Alaska does."

Meanwhile, Rep. Vicky Steiner (R-Dickinson) says the money could be used as a different way of providing property tax relief.

"We could include a check in their property tax statements," said Steiner. She says a constituent suggested that idea.

In each case, voters would have to approve removing the prohibition on direct payments. The House Judiciary Committee is considering both proposals.

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