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Constitutional measure on funding of non-public schools defeated in House

The House has rejected a bill that would change the state’s Constitution – to remove a prohibition on spending state money on Catholic schools.

Supporters say the amendment – if approved by the people – would remove language that is bigoted.

Rep. Gary Paur (R-Gilby) says schools used to be run by Protestants. And he says in the face of increased Catholic immigration, the so-called “Blaine amendment” was introduced – which prohibited money from going to Catholic education.  Paur told his House colleagues this is not an end-around to allow private schools to directly receive state support.

"This resolution simply removes offensive language from our state Constitution," said Paur.

But opponents weren’t buying that argument. 

"You have heard that this resolution was born out of bigotry," said Rep. David Rust (R-Tioga). "I would submit to you that the real intent is all about the money."

The bill failed on a 47-47 tie vote. It needed 48 to pass.

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