Open enrollment for health insurance begins Wednesday.
It’s a short window – open enrollment closes December 15th.
North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Jon Godfread is urging those who will purchase insurance on the individual market to shop for the best plan.
"If you do not receive a subsidy, but you're in the individual market, you need to go out and shop, Godfread said. "It would be a pretty good idea, in my opinion, to go out and meet with an insurance agent and really walk through your options."
North Dakota has three carriers offering plans in that individual market – Sanford Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Medica.
"Our marketplace is set," Godfread said. "Somewhat trying to block out the chaos in Washington, and making sure our Northj Dakota consumers know what's available, and what decisions they're going to have to make."
Godfread said will take a little research for people to find a plan that suits their needs. He also said you can call his office for help.