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March groundbreaking for first three phases of flood control in Minot

City of Minot

Minot officials say ground will be broken at the end of March for the first three phases of Minot’s flood control project.

This will include a levee system from the US 83 bypass on the west side of Minot up to the 2nd Avenue Southwest Souris River crossing, near the Moose Lodge. That's about 2 miles of levee. In addition, a half-mile long section of floodwall will be built from Broadway to 3rd Street Northeast.

"It's a significant milestone for the project," said Ryan Ackerman, the president of Ackerman-Estvold, the firm working on design and engineering for the project. "We're excited we're finally going to be moving some dirt and constructing levees and floodwalls for the benefit of the residents."

The project is being done in phases, so as money becomes available, the project can go forward.  Ackerman said the city will be asking the 2019 Legislature to fund the fourth phase of the project – and if that’s accomplished, construction on that phase will begin later that year.

"We're hopeful the Legislature continues to support the project," Ackerman said. "I think it will. But there are a lot of water needs statewide that need to be balanced."

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