Monday, December 9, 2019 – Do you find yourself second-guessing your accomplishments, feeling you aren’t that competent or talented? You’re not alone. Approximately 70% of people are affected by this phenomenon, which is known as “Imposter Syndrome.” Joining us is Laura Gariano, of the United Way of Cass-Clay, who will be presenting on this topic Wednesday in Fargo. ~~~ Martin Cross served as chair of the Three Affiliated Tribes from 1944 to 1946, and from 1950-1956. He fought the building of Garrison Dam and demanded that Congress treat the people of Fort Berthold fairly. He is also known for helping organize the National Congress of American Indians, an organization that gave American Indian tribes greater political power through a unified voice. He’s also one of this year’s inductees into the North Dakota Native American Hall of Honor. We share a profile produced by Makoche studios. ~~~ Two Minnesota criminology professors, concerned about mass shootings, have compiled a database that can help researchers develop a better understanding of why such events occur. Joining us to discuss the effort is James Densley, Metropolitan State University in St. Paul.
Imposter Syndrome ~ Honoring Martin Cross ~ Mass Shooting Database

United Way of Cass Clay