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New Salem

  • North Dakota’s coal mines were dangerous places a century ago, when blasts and equipment accidents could be fatal. The industry had swelled in North Dakota in the 1910s. In 1920, the state had 116 mines, most of them underground. They produced nearly 879,000 tons of coal, worth more than $2.1 million. That would be more than $33 million in today’s dollars.
  • A briquette is a compressed block of combustible material such as charcoal or sawdust. The term is French, related to the word “brick.” Briquettes are a…
  • Early businesses helped build many of the small towns along the railroad in North Dakota. General stores, banks, newspapers, post offices – every little…
  • School Hill marked the end of John Christiansen’s journey west.He was a 21-year-old German immigrant riding a freight train withthree horses, lumber,…
  • North Dakota is said to be good for entrepreneurship and innovation. The owner of a technology company based in New Salem says he couldn’t agree…