The House has overwhelmingly passed a bill that changes how oil taxes are split with the Three Affiliated Tribes at Fort Berthold.Current state law says…
The Senate Finance and Taxation Committee is considering a bill to make it clear how monies from state oil taxes collected in the Fort Berthold…
The Senate Finance and Taxation Committee will be considering a bill to change the way oil and gas tax revenue is shared between the state and the Three…
The Senate Finance and Taxation Committee heard a measure to raise the state’s oil production tax to the rate it was before the 2015 Legislature changed…
The House has defeated a measure that makes the tax on oil permanent at 10 percent.The bill follows up the actions of the 2015 Legislature, which got rid…
A bill to remove the remaining “trigger” in North Dakota’s oil taxes is now before a senate committee.The bill – authored by House Majority Leader Al…
The House has rejected a bill dealing with oil tax distribution to local governments in the oil patch, saying it’s premature to approve it.Opponents say…
Experts say the slowdown in the oil patch is directly tied to the oil price.So – what will it take to get the industry drilling and completing already…
A Legislative interim committee has been studying the oil impact formula – with an eye to making changes.But that panel’s chairman says it may not happen…
The chairman of the Legislature's interim Energy Development and Transmission Committee says he expects a new proposal on how to divvy up oil taxes will…