This would mean another $8.43 per month for an average customer
That's due to a power plant off-line, and purchasing power on the open market.
The "smart meters" will eliminate the need for meter readers
The company is seeking North Dakota PSC approval
Otter Tail Power Company is planning to install advanced electric metering.It has asked the North Dakota Public Service Commission for an “advance…
The Public Service Commission has approved Otter Tail Power Company’s 2021 Renewable Resource cost recovery rider.That means Otter Tail customers will see…
The Public Service Commission has given Otter Tail Power Company permission to continue to use estimates on power use by its customers, rather than having…
Otter Tail Power Company has filed its “Generation Resource Recovery” rate for its North Dakota customers.It’s an annual filing with the North Dakota…
Otter Tail Power’s North Dakota residential customers will see an extra charge on their monthly bills next month.For an average customer, it will be…
North Dakota customers of Otter Tail Power Company will see their monthly electric bills rise in January.The North Dakota Public Service Commission…