An initiated measure is being prepared to eliminate property taxes.Rep. Rick Becker (R-Bismarck) said next week, a proposed initiated measure will be…
As a Legislative Interim committee looks at potential alternatives to special assessments, the President of the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber and CEO of the…
Minot’s city manager said after years of low property taxes, the city was forced to raise property taxes substantially in 2017.The oil boom brought with…
The House Finance and Taxation Committee is studying a Senate-passed measure that would consolidate all statements of estimated property tax changes into…
A bill is making its way through the Legislature that its sponsor calls “real property tax reform.”"It's going to change the way folks get notified of a…
A dispute over the taxable valuation of an oil transload facility in Mountrail County is headed to district court.That facility is in Ross. The state…
A task force is proposing the state take over full funding of social service programs – relieving the counties of their responsibility for paying that…
Gov. Jack Dalrymple says a task force on property tax reform is working on a comprehensive bill draft for the upcoming legislative session.Dalrymple told…
Gov. Jack Dalrymple has appointed a task force to look at property tax reform.Dalrymple says the task force consists of property taxpayers and…
Lawmakers will conduct an in-depth study of local property taxes during the interim period before the 2015 Legislative session.Sen. Dwight Cook R-Mandan)…