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  • As they moved out onto the Great Plains, pioneers were struck by the lack of trees. Trees were taken for granted east of the Mississippi. Trees provided building materials, wind breaks, and fuel. Among those who missed trees was Nebraska newspaper editor J. Sterling Morton. He became a strong advocate for tree planting.
  • It must be a good year for cottonwoods. I have heard several comments about all the cotton wafting in the wind this summer. Occasionally someone will ask why some cottonwood trees always produce cotton while others do not. Cottonwood is rather unusual in that they are dioecious, meaning the plant is either a male or female. It is the female trees that produce the cotton.
  • Plans to observe North Dakota’s centennial of statehood in 1989 involved more than just a celebration. The state’s Centennial Commission set an ambitious goal in 1987 to plant 100 million trees by the year 2000 – 1 million trees for every year of statehood, to honor pioneers who planted trees on the open prairie. The Centennial Trees Program was to be a “‘living legacy’ that will serve as a lasting reminder for future generations to enjoy.”
  • It won’t be long before you’ll get up one morning, look out the window, and exclaim: “Spring is finally here, the trees are starting to leaf-out.” Well,…
  • The North Dakota Public Service Commission has a requirement for tree and shrub replacement when a utility builds infrastructure.It’s 2 to 1 – for every…