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Inside Energy: New oil train rules provoke lawsuits from all sides

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s new oil train safety rules have created enemies on all sides. Last week, an oil industry group announced it was suing the government because the rules are too stringent. Now, environmental groups are filing their own lawsuit saying the rules aren’t strict enough. Inside Energy’s Emily Guerin reports.

The DOT’s rules reduce speed limits for oil trains, require enhanced braking mechanisms and set a timeline for phasing out or retrofitting certain models of tanker cars. But no one seems to be happy with them. The American Petroleum Institute says railroads need more time to upgrade the tanker cars, and says the safety gains of the new braking system don’t outweigh the installation costs.

Environmental groups say the rules don’t move fast enough. They cite the recent oil train derailment in Heimdal, North Dakota as evidence of the need to accelerate that timeline.

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