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PSC looking at Dakota Access capacity plans

Dave Thompson
Prairie Public

The developers of the Dakota Access Pipeline are taking the next step in expanding the pipeline’s capacity.

The current capacity is 500,000 barrels of oil a day.

Energy Transfer Partners has now applied to the North Dakota Public Service Commission to site a new pumping station in Emmons County, west of Linton.

"It will consist of five 6,000 horsepower electric motors and pumps," said Commissioner Julie Fedorchak. "It will allow for pipeline transportation of up to 1.1 million barrels of crude oil per day.

Fedorchak said the modification is on 20 acres -- 16 acres outside the previously permitted corridor.  She said the company anticipates the cost at between $35 and $40 million.

"They've provided the appropriate studies and documentation that the staff needs to evaluate the application," Fedorchak said. "I think we have what we need from that standpoint."

The PSC has now given interested parties an “opportunity for hearing.” Those parties have until August 9th to ask for a hearing, and the PSC will make a decision on whether to hold a formal hearing after that.

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