North Dakota’s fourth medical marijuana dispensary opens next week.
It’s in Bismarck – and opens Tuesday.
And there are more dispensaries to come.
"We have four additional locations within the state -- Jamestown, Devils Lake, Minot and Dickinson," said Health Department Medical Marijuana division director Jason Wahl. "They have entities who are moving forward in the registration process."
Wahl said the next dispensary to likely open will be Jamestown.
As of August second, the medical marijuana program has 916 card carrying patients. Wahl said for people who are interested in applying, they should go to the division’s website at
"That is where they will find an application, as well as instructions," Wahl said. "And they can start the process."
Wahl said once they establish accounts with the division, they can start monitoring and tracking where they're at in the application process.
"Once patients are approved and making purchases, they are able to use the account to see where they're at in relation to their 30 day purchasing limit," Wahl said.
The state has two grow centers – one in Bismarck, the other in Fargo. Wahl said both centers are growing the product – but so far, all the medical marijuana products shipped to the dispensaries are grown in Bismarck.
"The Fargo one is still working on getting products to market," Wahl said. "We certainly don't think it's too far away from them to having those products get to market as well."