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Committee endorses state firearm proposal

A state Senate committee has endorsed a resolution, calling for the Winchester model 1876 rifle as the state firearm.

That gun was introduced in the year 1876, and was called the “Centennial Rifle.”

Senator Janne Myrdal (R-Edinburg) introduced the resolution on behalf of one of her constituents.

"It's historically important to North Dakota, dealing with 'Teddy' — Theodore Roosevelt," Myrdal told the Senate State and Local Government Committee. "It was his favorite gun when he was here."

Myrdal said there are pictures and statues of Roosevelt with that gun.

No one spoke in opposition – and the resolution received a unanimous “do-pass” recommendation.

The committee also gave a “do pass” recommendation for a resolution, asking the US Postal Service to issue a commemorative Theodore Roosevelt stamp, to coincide with the opening of the Roosevelt Library, to be built in Medora.