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Senate passes 'required study' of the state crime lab

The state Senate has passed a “shall study” provision on the needs of the state Crime Lab.

That was part of the Attorney General’s budget bill.

Law enforcement has complained about a backlog at the lab – and staffing has been an issue. There have also been issues with space needs.

"This is a 'shall study," so all of the issues that law enforcement has with respect to firearms, testing and backlogs, employees and needs, and space, can be studied, and a good recommendation can be made for the next Legislative session to provide the crime lab that we need for North Dakota," said Sen. Mike Dwyer (R-Bismarck).

The vote on SB 2003 was unanimous in the Senate.

Earlier, lawmakers rejected proposals to put the crime lab under the supervision of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, as well as the hiring of a co-director for the Lab.

The House will now consider the budget bill.

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