The North Dakota House has rejected a proposed state Constitutional amendment to allow and regulate on-line sports betting.
Under it, pro and college sports would be open to betting. The state would license and regulate it.
Rep. Scott Louser (R-Minot) sponsored the measure. He told the House that – because the amendment would go on the ballot – it would allow North Dakota citizens to make the choice. He said it could be a money-maker for the state. And Louser said right now, that revenue is being given away to other states.
"You might ask how," Louser said. "Friends, family living in other states — you send them money through Venmo, they place the bet, you win, they send money back. But the revenue is being kept in other states."
But Rep. Alisa Mitskog (D-Wahpeton) said if you “Google” sports betting, you will see it affects younger people, who can become addicted to gambling.
"Polls show young men in the US are more at rick of becoming addicted to gambling," Mitskog argued. "And young college students are using their student loans to place bets on sports."
The House vote was 24 in favor, and 70 opposed.