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Cody Goehring

Contributor, Dakota Datebook
  • Beginning in a field near Wing, Apple Creek meanders 65 miles before flowing into the Missouri River near the University of Mary in Bismarck. In 1885, residents considered the creek a recreational spot, although it could often be dangerous. Some declared that crossing the Apple Creek bridge after dark, or with a shy team of horses by daylight could be perilous. Others called the bridge “inadequate and insufficient” because it was too narrow for farm machinery.
  • In 1921, the Independent Voters Association (IVA) was urging the recall of Governor Lynn Frazier, Attorney General William Lemke, and Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor John Hagen—all Nonpartisan League (NPL) officials – in a vote scheduled for October 28th.
  • Nina Farley and her family were McIntosh County pioneers, having moved from Michigan in 1887. In 1891 she married John Wishek, a lawyer, banker, and politician. He was also a partner in Wishek and Lilly, a land office, which helped pioneers file homesteads. Nina and John came to be known as “Mother” and “Father” Wishek.