A bill for North Dakota to adopt “Real ID” is now on its way to Gov. Doug Burgum.
“Real ID” is an enhanced driver’s license. It requires more personal information to be given to the Department of Transportation. A person would have to have “Real ID” if the person was using the driver’s license to board an airplane or get into federal buildings.
"One of the neat things about our particular law is -- if you don't want it to get into any of those buildings, and you don't want to give personal information to the DOT, you don't have to," said Sen. Carolyn Nelson (D-Fargo). "But you won't have a Real ID. And you'll need some other type of identification to get on an airplane."
Sen. Oley Larsen (R-Minot) argued against the bill, calling it an erosion of privacy.
"It would take us even further toward a surveillance society that would significantly diminish our freedom and privacy," Larsen said.
The bill passed the Senate 43 to 2.