Journeys Through Justice
This series of radio reports looks at the criminal justice system, in particular the way that people with mental health and addiction problems end up in jail. A discussion is currently under way — is this best for the people affected? Is it an inefficient use of public funds? What would alternatives be like?
Journeys Through Justice is produced by Meg Luther Lindholm, with funding from the North Dakota Humanities Council, a nonprofit, independent state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the program do not necessarily reflect those of the North Dakota Humanities Council or the National Endowment for the Humanities.
One of the success stories in North Dakota’s criminal justice system has been its drug courts. In this Journeys Through Justice story, Meg Luther Lindholm…
Serving time in jail or prison is hard. But life afterwards can be even harder. Now an ex-offender is trying to ease the transition. This segment of…
Recovery from severe drug addiction often requires a lot of time, a lot of effort and separation from drug using friends. Sometimes prison is the only…
A conversation about Addiction and Incarceration with North Dakota Senator Judy Lee and Representative Kathy Hogan.Figuring out how to reduce overcrowding…
Journeys Through Justice is a new series of stories and interviews about people caught in North Dakota’s Criminal justice system. A large majority of the…
North Dakota studies an approach to prison modeled by Norway that is much less punitive.
Here's a simple fact. The number of people in North Dakota’s prisons and jails is growing at a faster rate than almost every other state in the country.…