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BSC exploring offering bachelor's degrees in science

Bismarck State College is exploring the idea of offering bachelor’s degrees in science.

To do so, the College needs a change in higher education policy. And that issue was before the Board of Higher Education’s Academic and Student Affairs Committee.

BSC President Doug Jensen told the Committee it’s a matter of meeting workforce needs, especially in energy.

"Due to the increasing growth in the Bismarck MSA (metropolitan statistical area), proven enrollment growth and expansion that Bismarck State is experiencing in the demands for the emerging needs for workforce and economic development, we believe that with this strategy, we can provide assistance for the workforce and talent shortage in North Dakota," Jensen said.

Jensen said opposition can sometimes center on duplication. But he told the Committee that might be the wrong question. He said it’s about capacity.

Board member Kevin Black chairs the Committee. Ne said he liked what he heard about serving the needs of students who are wanting to return to college to finish their four-year degrees.

"This was one of the most thoughtful presentations I've seen on the Board, in terms of addressing non-traditional students in the energy space, and provide pathways for retooling, and how we can allow them to adapt to what I call 'Grand Energy,' the most technologically advanced oil and gas play in the world," Black said.

The committee members sent the matter back to the Chancellor’s cabinet – made up of the college presidents – for further discussion. And the committee members said BSC’s president should make a presentation to the full Board about this concept.

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