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NDDOT conducting increased patrols for drunk drivers and seat belt use

The latest “Click It or Ticket” seat belt enforcement campaign starts Wednesday (May 1).

It runs through June 2nd.

"We've got extra messaging, promoting seat belt use in North Dakota," said Department of Transportation Safety Public Information Program Manager Lauren Wahlman. "We also have extra law enforcement working overtime across the state, to have a stronger presence enforcing our seat belt law."

The state’s seat belt law became primary enforcement in 2023. Before that, a driver had to be stopped for another violation before being ticketed for not wearing safety belts. The law now says all occupants of a vehicle must be buckled up.

"Our average seat belt use in North Dakota is around 84 percent," Wahlman said. "We do consistently have a lower use than other states, which is why it is so important for us to remind drivers ikn North Dakota to continue to buckle up."

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

Another enforcement program is called "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over."

Wahlman said the March campaign netted 145 arrests and citations. Of those, 82 were DUI arrests, 20 citations for minor in consumption, minor in possession and open container. There were 31 drug related arrests.

Wahlman said alcohol is a factor in nearly 37 percent of motor vehicle fatalities in North Dakota. And she said these are 100-percent preventable.

"A DUI isn't just an arrest," Wahlman said. "It's removing an impaired driver on the road, and hopefully save a life."

Wahlman said DOT is hoping to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes in North Dakota.

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