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NDUS Chancellor defends DSU president, calling him "a turnaround leader"

Stephen Easton
Stephen Easton

North Dakota University System Chancellor Mark Hagerott is honoring departing Dickinson State University President Steve Easton as a “turnaround leader.”

Speaking to the Board of Higher Education’s Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Hagerott said Easton came in with the COVID pandemic, and with a bankrupt foundation. He said Easton grew DSU’s enrollment, and brought the foundation back.

Recently, Easton had been at odds with the state Board of Nursing. And the entire nursing faculty at DSU resigned. He also received pushback earlier, when he had suggested changing tenure at the school.

Hagerott told the Committee Easton decided to resign for the sake of the students.

"President Easton is responsible for the health, safety, welfare and financial conditions — the 'CFI' accreditation — of that institution," Hagerott said. "And I think there's an open question about a separate entity materially undermining his ability to execute his responsibilities as determined by the Constitution of North Dakota."

Hagerott said he just wanted to clear the air, for anyone who "remotely thought I or the Board had anything but the highest regard for that man."

Hagerott also told the Committee negotiations are underway with the Board of Nursing, and he hopes to have that settled soon. He said an acting President will soon be named, and the Board will likely select an interim President while a search gets underway.

"The most important thing is that all students returning will know Dickinson is a great place to go to school," Hagerott said. "They've turned the corner. We take care of people."

Hagerott will be in Dickinson Thursday to meet with faculty.

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