A bill to reinstate part of North Dakota’s “Blue Law” has been soundly rejected by the House.
The measure – introduced by Bismarck Republican Representative Matthew Heilman – would prohibit most stores from being open between the hours of 6 am and noon Sundays. There would be exemptions for certain businesses, such as gas stations and drug stores.
The House Industry, Business and Labor Committee voted for a “do-not-pass.” Minot Representative Dan Ruby carried that recommendation to the floor.
"With tourist shops and truck stops that are like mini-malls, some places could be open, when others could not," Ruby said. "We had an exceptional law — not in a good way, but an exception for this, and an exception for that."
Ruby said the business community didn't ask for this, and the general public didn't ask for this.
"So I hope we can defeat this bill, and keep consistency and fairness for all businesses and citizens," Ruby said.
The vote was 89-4 against the measure.