The North Dakota Senate has passed a bill that supporters have labeled the “truth in sentencing” bill.
Under it, criminals who have been sentenced for certain types of violent crime would have to serve at least 85 percent of their sentence, before they could go to a transition program – which helps people move from incarceration back into the community.
The sponsor — Sen. Janne Myrdal (R-Edinberg) said the current recidivism rate for these kinds of offenses is around 40 percent. And she said the pendulum has shifted too far towards transition, and away from punishment.
"I can walk from Walmart to Sam's Club today, and maybe run into somebody who got eight years or ten years, and eight months later, they're walking around, with a potential of reoccurring violence — a 40 percent potential," Myrdal said.
But Sen. Ryan Braunberger (D-Fargo) told the Senate, prisoners who go to these transition centers are closely monitored – and can only leave the facility when they go to a job or to substance abuse treatment.
"So I think we need to make sure we hear the whole picture," Braunberger said. "It's not a 'free-for-all," like implied. These people are not just out in the community, walking aimlessly. They do have to have a reason to leave those facilities. They can't just wander around."
Braunberger said they often have electronic monitoring devices.
SB 2128 passed 28 to 18. It will now be considered in the House.