The state Senate has reversed itself – and voted in favor of a measure that puts policy on handling tenure at the state’s public colleges and universities in state statute.
The measure failed Tuesday, on a vote of 20 yes, 26 no. But there was a motion to reconsider.
"This aligns with a recent policy that was put in place in higher ed," said Sen. Todd Beard (R-Williston). "So higher ed did agree that the parameters in here did match what they recently put into place. This would basically be the legislature saying, these would be the basic parameters we would expect higher ed to follow in these review processes."
Sen. Judy Lee (R-West Fargo) questioned if it is the Legislature’s place to do this, referencing when the Board of Higher Education was created, to put a barrier between the executive branch and the Universities. That happened after then-Gov. William Langer fired professors at NDSU. The Board was created after that.
"I think the Board of Higher Education has done a good job," Lee said. "I think there are other areas that do still need attention. And I think we should let this one be in their hands, before somebody takes it to court."
The vote was 28 to 19 in favor of HB 1437.