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Charles Sevrinson


Charles Sevrinson, long-time dean of students at NDSU, was born on this date in 1898 in Reynolds, North Dakota. Sevrinson attended Mayville State Teachers College before graduating with a degree in education from the University of North Dakota in 1924. He began teaching in a one-room schoolhouse near Reynolds, but was soon promoted to superintendent. He went on to Williston as junior high school principal, then taught history at the North Dakota Agricultural College. During this time, he earned his master’s and was promoted to professor of education. He served as acting president of the college in 1946 and as dean of students from 1948 until 1964. Three years after his retirement, NDSU named Sevrinson Hall in his honor. Sevrinson passed away in 1986.

Dakota Datebook written by Jayme Job


The Daily Collegian: For a Better Penn State. Tuesday Morning, April 2, 1963: p. 1. Vol. 63 (99): University Park, PA.