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Cass County

  • April Fool's Day was a fun time in Page, North Dakota, on this date in 1906, and a prank that day led to the creation of a humorous social organization. Several men including the mayor, a constable and an attorney placed “an innocent, sweet-tempered little donkey” in the lobby of the European Hotel, which was on the upper story of two buildings on the Thompson Block.
  • North Dakota has a long history of vaccinations, from smallpox to polio. Smallpox was a terrible, contagious disease that could leave people scarred and…
  • It’s not often that a man’s life achievements are overshadowed by his champion butterfat producing cow, but that is exactly what happened to Samuel F.…
  • Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity is holding the Dakota Blitz 3:10 in the West Fargo area. The project is partnered by the Blitz Home Builders…
  • The Midwest Kids Fest, done in conjunction with Sanford, is an opportunity to get out and enjoy the park with the whole family. Jessica Korynta, Event…
  • The West Fargo Police is trying to get to know their community a little better with their Around the World: A Celebration of Cultures event. West Fargo’s…
  • The Special Olympics of North Dakota held their State Summer Games which included various amounts of Athletic events from Bocce Ball to Track and Field.…
  • The 1980s were years of celebration for many towns across North Dakota. It was 100 years since the coming of the railroad that gave rise to the towns, and…
  • Burleigh F. Spalding had his legal and political career in North Dakota, but he spent his youth in northern Vermont.He was born there in 1853as the son of…