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US 85 to be four lane from Watford City to Williston

State Transportation director Francis Ziegler says the DOT is making plans for the four-laning of US 85 between Watford City and Williston.

Ziegler told the Legislature’s interim Transportation Committee – the amount of traffic on that stretch of highway has exploded.

"In 2008, we had 2500 vehicles a day on Highway 85," said Ziegler. "Right now, the stretch is over 10,ooo.  So it's grown that much."

Ziegler says the Department has hired a consultant to work on the environmental impact of a four lane highway in that area. US 85 is currently a “super-two” – in that it remains two-lane, but with passing lanes. Ziegler says the DOT is taking an interim step this year to help relieve some of the traffic pressure.

"We're going to extend those passing lanes," said Ziegler. "They'll go from a one mile to a two mile passing lane, so there's more opporunity to pass."

Ziegler said when the four lane is built, it will not be a divided highway.

"It's an undivided four lane highway, with 16 feet in the middle," said Ziegler. "That was the way we could save the investment we made in the 'super two' and not lose that investment."

Ziegler said the undivided four lane highway works well in other areas, especially on ND 1804 from Bismarck south to the University of Mary.

Ziegler told the Committee if funding is available, the plan is to finish the four lane highway by the end of the next biennium.

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