Local governments to share in $20 million of emergency snow removal funding.
In March of 1929, ice on the Missouri River began to break up early. Some of the ice flowed free, but some piled up in ice gorges, blocking the waterflow. The threat of flooding loomed. One large ice gorge formed at Huff, 18 miles south of Bismarck. The jam was 25 to 30 miles long — solid, and stuck.
The Bank of North Dakota is rolling out a disaster assistance loan program for farmers and homeowners affected by ice jam flooding on the Yellowstone…
The hospital in Cavalier closed last night at 7pm following mandatory evacuation orders from Pembina County Emergency Management. Patients have been moved…
The city of Cavalier is a virtual ghost town this morning.As Prairie Public’s Todd McDonald reports, the city was evacuated last night because of worries…
The House has decided that no money should be spent on the Fargo Red River Diversion project – until federal funding is assured, and there is a consensus…
Senator-elect Heidi Heitkamp says she believes a strong case can be made for federal funding of the Red River diversion project.Heitkamp says she agrees…
The state Water Commission has approved state money for two dredging projects on the Missouri River in the Bismarck-Mandan area.The flood of 2011 changed…
AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps is in Minot to help restore areas affected by the 2011 flood.AmeriCorps NCCC is comprised of a 10-person…
Officials from the Army Corps of Engineers were on site at the Tolna Coulee near Devils Lake to commemorate the completion of a flood control structure…