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Katie David

Contributor, Dakota Datebook
  • North Dakota has the highest levels of radon in the nation.
  • The bill would keep the state in standard time year around.
  • On this date in 1912, the final report on a horrific accident appeared in papers, telling the full story of a tragedy. On December 30th of 1911, a train derailed near Sharon in Steele County. The Great Northern passenger train No. 3, dubbed the Oregonian, was passing through Steele County at around 10:00 in the morning on a frigid day of -20 degrees, with a 12 mile an hour breeze that made the day seem even colder. The train was going about forty miles an hour on a slight curve, when a rail snapped in the intense cold. The engine, tender, and the first four cars rolled over, catching fire.
  • On this date in 1910, an article appeared in the Oakes Times regarding the State Auditor’s view on the state wolf bounty, which had been in place since 1897. The auditor, D.K. Brightbill, was of the opinion that the bounty should be repealed as it was no longer practical for the state to hold such an act.
  • On this date in 1903, two men may have been feeling some heat from the Department of the Interior Land Office. John Calkins and Peter Christenson owned separate plots of land near Minot, but were challenged by their neighbors, who accused the two of not meeting the terms required by the Homestead Act of 1862.
  • On this date in 1913, William McBain was arrested, following a complex series of events that stirred up much controversy in North Dakota. It all started two years earlier when William moved from his childhood home in Fessenden to Saskatoon, Canada for work. There, he fell in love with a girl named Margaret, who lived on the farm next door. Margaret held the same feelings for him, and one day ran away from home to go with William to his hometown of Fessenden.
  • On this date in 1926, the second annual corn show began in the Bismarck auditorium. The show had been the cause of much excitement for the past few months. Numerous advertisements in the papers had touted the event’s entertainment, speakers, and vendors. There was hope that most, if not all, of the 53 ND counties would be represented at the show, fully displaying their support for the event.
  • On this day in 1917, an article appeared in the Bismarck Weekly Tribune with a dramatic headline saying, “Horse Has Revenge Upon Motor Car in Hoof and Wheel Bout.”